Kavya Nair

"From the first session, I was hooked! The way H.G. Sundargopal Prabhuji presented complex spiritual concepts like bhakti tattva and maya tattva through examples was captivating."

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Kavya Nair

Ankit Kumar

"I’ve taken a lot of courses, but the Sanatan Shiksha course really stands out. The pastimes of the Lord and our acharyas are narrated so well, and each principle is taught with love and care."

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Ankit Kumar

राजीव वर्मा

"इस कोर्स से मुझे भक्ति तत्त्व की संपूर्ण जानकारी मिली। मैंने बहुत कुछ सीखा और अब मैं उन ज्ञान को अपने संप्रदाय में फैलाने में सक्षम हूँ। यह अनुभव मेरे लिए जीवन बदलने वाला था और मैं इसे दूसरों को भी बताना चाहता हूँ।"

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राजीव वर्मा

कृष्णा जोशी

"इस कोर्स ने मुझे भक्ति की जो शक्ति दी है, वो शब्दों में नहीं कह सकती। मैंने केवल ज्ञान नहीं पाया, बल्कि अपनी आत्मा को भी पहचाना। अब मैं अपनी रोज़मर्रा की ज़िंदगी में भक्ति को महसूस करती हूँ और दूसरों को भी इस मार्ग पर चलने के लिए प्रेरित करने का प्रयास करती हूँ। मैं हमेशा इसके लिए आभारी रहूँगी।"

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कृष्णा जोशी

Radhika Dasi

"The Sanatan Shiksha course was a life-changing experience for me! We have heard so much about the relationship between the Jiva and the Lord but this course goes beyond that and so many new and interesting things, I came to know the lessons are explained with such engaging examples. I couldn’t believe how quickly time flew."

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Radhika Dasi

Aman G

"Sanatan Shiksha exceeded my expectations in every way. The lessons were rich in spiritual wisdom, and the counsellors always encouraged us to ask questions. Heard so many new things, learnt so much, definitely feel like a new person taking this course. Awaiting for more such courses Sanatani Shiksha Academy Team"

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Aman G

  • Sundar Gopal Das

    After completing his MBA, he chose to embrace a life of spirituality and service Sundargopal Das chose to embrace a life of spirituality and service, residing as a monk in Vrindavan since 2011. He is also the founder of Pure Devotion Foundation, Vrindavan.

    He is a renowned spiritual teacher who has educated over 7,000 students through his innovative courses, including "Krishna ki Aur" and "Who Am I." Furthermore, he has been inspiring more than 200,000 people through his YouTube channel called "Pure Devotion”.

  • Premarupa Devi Dasi

    Premarupa Devi Dasi has been deeply engaged in both spiritual and humanitarian service. With an MBA in marketing, she has channeled her expertise into media and communications for Food for Life Vrindavan, helping uplift the underprivileged community in Vrindavan for the past eight years.

    She has also been creating insightful, research-based videos on Bhakti Tattva. Passionate about Vedic cooking and maintaining a healthy lifestyle, she beautifully balances her seva and personal interests, contributing to both the physical and spiritual nourishment of others.

  • Acyuta Krsna Das

    Acyuta Krsna Das has been on the spiritual path for 10 years and has spent the last 8 years serving the underprivileged through the NGO Food for Life Vrindavan. His work in fundraising and media has been instrumental in supporting the community.

    Acyuta is known for his unique ability to present complex spiritual concepts in an engaging and creative manner. His passion for spreading spiritual wisdom led him to start a YouTube channel, Bhakti Today, which has grown to over 300k subscribers, inspiring people worldwide to explore and deepen their understanding of Bhakti and spiritual philosophy.

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